Today is the first day of 2011. One year ago, I had made some new year's resolution for myself to accomplished, such as pass 4 ACCA papers, save RM5k in one year, have a trip to Euro, improve my English and build up my body muscle. However, one year later, what I had done? I just able to pass 1 paper in 2 sittings; able to save rm5k but not by myself; don't even talk about Euro trip; my English is still below the par; there is a shape in my body but unfortunately, not with a good shape. Year ago, I made this resolution with full of spirit, enthusiasm and passion. Year later, I again made the same resolution with full of spirit, enthusiasm and passion. And again, I believe the result will still be the same....Urh!!!! I am really such an Asshole!
Yesterday, I read an article about our life and it is meaningful. The article goes like this: A couple who stay at 80 floor just come back from travelling and carry with their big luggage. When they reach their apartment, they notice that the lift is out of service due to power cut. Thus, they decide to carry the big luggage along with them walking up the stairs. When they reach 20th floor, they feel that the luggage are so heavy and after a short discussion, they decide to leave the luggage at 20th floor and later come back to collect when the lift is in service. After drop their luggage at 20th floor, they feel relax and easy to climb the floor. They continue to talk and laugh until 40th floor. When reach 40th floor, they start to feel tire and complain each other for not aware about the notice of power cut, otherwise they could have came back later and wouldn't suffer all this. They continue to complaint and quarrel until 60th floor. When reach 60th floor, they are totally exhausted and no more energy to quarrel and argue. Hence, they silently and quietly continue their climb and finally they reach their house at 80th floor. With big excitement that they just want to open the door, they just discover that their house key is in the luggage at 20th floor.
This story is vividly demonstrating our life. Before 20 years old, we live under the expectation of our parent, family, teacher and others that expect us to be good in study and everything. Hence, we can feel the pressure and burden just like we carrying the luggage walking up the stairs. After 20 years old, we are free from those expectation and we start to have our dream and pursuit our dream. Over this 20 years, we enjoy and have fun with our life just like we drop the luggage at 20th floor and happily continue our journey. At the age of 40th, we find that our life is miserable, then we start to compare and complain. We complain about our husband for not so rich, complain about our wife for not so pretty, complain about our employer for low employee benefit, complain about our government for high living cost, complain about Liverpool for never win the EPL tittle, etc. keep on complaining until we reach the age of 60th. At the age of 60th, we realise that our life is going to end and is pointless for us to keep on complaining. As an old folk, we stop to complain, quietly and tolerably live for the remaining of our life. When the time for us to meet our Maker, we just realise that we still have a lot of thing forget to do and our dream still left in 20 years old. You can have your own choice whether you want to make your life as interesting as "Avatar" or as dull as "Selamat Pagi Malaysia". So, if you don't want to regret when u are old, just remember to bring your "Key" along with you. ^^ ( Lucky I still have 14 years to go before I will start to complain. LOL)

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to my parent for spending little time together, due to my working commitment. Apologise to my friends who I had made fun with and accidentally or intentionally offended. Apologise to a person that I love and hurt the most. Thank, without you, I never know what the Love is. Last, apologise to my body as I seldom take good care of it and I promise I will take good care of it. Lol. At the end, wishing you and your loved ones peace, health, happiness and prosperity in 2011. Happy New Year!